International Justice Clinic


ECH_7228ECCC stands for The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, it is a special Cambodian court which receives international assistance through the United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials (UNAKRT). It is often referred to by the more informal name The Khmer Rouge Tribunal.

The Khmer Rouge regime took power in 17 April 1975 and was overthrown in 7 January 1979. During its rule, around 1.7 million people are believed to have died from starvation, torture, execution and forced labour. The ECCC was established to bring senior leaders of the Khmer Rouge regime and those most responsible for the crimes committed to trial.

The initiative to establish ECCC started in 1997 when the civil war was about to come to an end, the Cambodian government requested the United Nations to assist in establishing a trial to prosecute the senior leaders of the Khmer Rouge. At once, the two sides could not come to an agreement as to how the court shall function and located, the negotiation ceased to continue. In 2001, the Cambodian National assembly passed a law to create a court without the participation of the United Nation,  the Cambodian government insisted that the court shall be held in Cambodia using Cambodian Judge as well as international personnel for the sake of Cambodian people. An agreement ultimately reached between the Cambodian government and the United Nations in June 2003.

ECCC is currently handling four cases. Case 001 was concluded in 2012 after the appeal judgement sentencing Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch to life imprisonment. Case 002 is divided into 002/01 and 002/02, the 002/01 case focused on forced evacuations and related crimes against humanity, initially against four Khmer Rouge leaders. The proceeding against Ieng Sary was terminated due to his death; The proceeding against Ieng Thirith was stayed as she was found unfit to stand trial due to dementia. Case 003 and 004 remain in the judicial investigation phase.

ECCC at a Glance – EN – April 2014_FINAL

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