International Justice Clinic

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Pilot program

The Pilot program has been conducted from July 2 to 12 in 2014 to explore the feasible framework for the 2014/2015 academic year’s summer and /or Term-time IJ Clinic. Two students from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) took part in the pilot program.

The students visited various divisions of the ECCC to examine the potential partners for the IJ Clinic. They found that an abundance of legal research works are available in all four divisions, while the Civil Party devision offers the greatest degree of client contact as its primary goal is to process victims’ claims.

During the course of the Pilot program, the students assisted the supervising lawyer with two client interviews. The students learnt how to manage client interaction and control the interpretation process. At the end of the interviews, they provided attendance notes to the supervising lawyer.

Apart from ECCC, the students also went to NGOs in Phnom Penh to explore work placements. They visited DC-Cam, which is an independent Cambodian research institute. DC-Cam has supported the ECCC since its establishment in its investigation and proceedings.

The students also met with German Ambassador in Cambodia to discuss their involvement in the ECCC. Students have learnt how Germany has and is still going through ‘transitional justice’ in coming to terms with its past, how their lessons can be transferrable to the Cambodian and the Greater China Region context.

The students also had the chance to visit historical sites, both the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and Cheong Ek Killing Fields. They found the visits instrumental to their understanding of the Khmer Rouge. They found it shocking to witness the brutality of the Regime and how Cambodia is undergoing a reconciliation process.

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